Chapter Overview

Chapter Overview

Since 1928, ISM—Alabama has served supply management professionals of North Central Alabama through the following ways: 

  • Promotion, development and application of purchasing and materials management methods and practices
  • Sharing of information of interest and benefit to members
  • Development and encouragement of high standards of personal and ethical conduct in our profession
  • Sponsorship, promotion and encouragement of professional certification programs within our profession
  • Encouragement and cooperation in the development of education courses, seminars, programs and materials on or related to our profession; the promotion and enhancement of the profession
  • Affiliation with the Institute for Supply Management and the promotion of interchange of ideas and cooperation among its members.

Educational activities are open to all members of ISM—Alabama and to any member of co-sponsoring organizations (with proper proof of membership). Membership is open to anyone interested in the field of supply management, purchasing and supply management research, value analysis, inventory control, materials management, or any other activity or function which is related to the purchasing or materials process. Membership is not available to any person primarily engaged in the solicitation of orders, or who spends a majority of time in a sales function. There are no barriers to full participation on the basis of ethnic background, gender, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability.